Elegie for Rachmaninov (Elegy) by Marcel Zidani with Michael Bochmann and Carol Hubel-Allen
A variation on the Elegie by Rachmaninov for piano solo, this 'Elegie For Rachmaninov' is written for viola, violin and piano. Unlike the Elegie written by Rachmaninov this is in the major key and represents a resonant reflection upon Rachmaninovs life.
Many composers have written variations over the years of other composers music and Rachmaninov was no different, himself having written the Paganini variation, Kreisler Korsakov and more.
In it's piano solo form this composition won 2nd prize in the EPTA Composer Competition.
Special thanks to Michael Bochmann who performed violin and also produced this recording.
Thanks to Carol Hubel-Allen who performed Viola and who very kindly offered use of her studio and Steinway for recording.
Michael's website https://www.michaelbochmann.com
Carol's website http://www.carolhubelallen.com/
Marcel's www.marcelzidani.com
Elegie For Rachmaninov Piano Solo Arrangement - https://youtu.be/nHgEKDc8u6o